Some issues have been identified that women needs to take care to resolve their body odour challenges.
Revealing some of the issues, according to a body known as VeryWellHealth, they stated, that, “the female organ by nature is liable to different kinds of smells, particularly during sexual intercourse stimulation and menstruation.
They listed other factors responsible for body odour in women to include stress and pregnancy as main issues emanating from women’s lifestyle. Aside the two, sexual intercourse was also identified as what can change how the female organs smells.
In a further investigation by the Treasure Newspaper, the VeryWellHealth in it’s research revealed that, there are certain odour that needs attention, which could be an indication of female organ infections, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and intercourse-associated infections.
Through there research work, three main causing odour in women were identified and these includes:
1. Trichomoniasis: Trichomoniasis is the most common curable STI. It is spread through unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner who has the infection. One of the common symptoms is fishy female organ odour followed by white, yellow, or greenish discharges.
2. Yeast Infection: Yeast infections are also brought on by an overgrowth of bacteria in the female organ. Along with intense itchiness, yeast infections can lead to changes in female organ discharge and odour.
3. Menstruation: You may have discovered your menstrual cycle causes different female organ odors, including metallic, rotten, or sweaty. Some of these are usual period blood smells and nothing to ponder about. Others, such as a strong fishy smell, can signal infection from a forgotten tampon.
It is however advisable for all women who have discovered they have unpleasant odour in their bodies to see a doctor immediately before their embarrassing body odours degenerates into an uncontrollable situations for them.